Friday, November 16, 2012


I took a test tonight. It was negative. I'll call the doctor next week to discuss the next step of the plan. I hate this. I had gotten my hopes up really high this time . . . it just FELT like it worked. And then . . .
It was going to be perfect timing because we could have announced it to the families at Thanksgiving . . .
I was even okay with being pregnant through the summer.
But . . .
It was negative. Only one stripe instead of two. Again.

Monday, November 5, 2012

You would think. . .

You would think that with the time change, I'd be asleep already. Instead, I'm up and my brain won't shut off. No. It's not THAT late, but it is getting close to my bedtime.
For those of you who wanted to know, my doctor visit last week was inconclusive. He saw a follicle that was about 16mm, but he really wanted it closer to 20 to prove ovulation. He told me to do the every-other-day sex for a week and then take a test around day 35 if a new cycle didn't start by then. I'm to call him either way. If it doesn't work, we'll do a double nose next cycle.
I have no idea if it worked or not. I'm trying very hard not to over-analyze everything my body is doing or not doing right now. I'm busy and stressed at work because it's payroll week and we had something else dumped on us which means I got some overtime (not always a good thing). I was stressed at home thinking about whether or not the clomid had worked. And I was stressed because I knew I wasn't supposed to be stressed since that makes it harder to get pregnant.
Add to that I've started nanowrimo again. I'm over 10,000 words already, but I'm writing a story of two sisters who have to learn to love each other through their own separate struggles. The older sister struggles with infertility. It's hard to write, and yet not hard at all. It's been building up in me the last year or so and I'm just now to where I feel like I can let it out again.
So, now you're sort of updated on me.
Stressed but blessed. And now I should really go to bed.