Sunday, December 25, 2011


Merry Christmas to you, dear readers.
Our Christmas week was wonderful. We spent several days with Jeremy's family and then several with mine. The gifts were great this year, too. We are more than blessed, that's for sure.
We treated my parents to family pictures this year for their present and my Mom was really glad at how they turned out. I think we are a great-looking family. That's for sure. And it was nice to spend time with my siblings and their spouses. We really haven't gotten to do that much since we all got married. I'm finally feeling like I'm starting to know who my siblings-in-law are.
As for my aching for a child, it's still there, but maybe not as bad as I thought it would be. I sort of feel like I'm in a race with my siblings, now that we're all married. I know it's not true, but it still feels like it. I'm fighting the feeling, though.
I go back to work tomorrow. I know I really didn't deserve the week off that I got, but it's still going to be hard to go back to work when my husband doesn't have to until next week.
Good news: we got the escrow check so we're going to pay back my grandparents and pay off most of the rest of the carpet we put in the house. Then, we'll pretty much be done with it. We have great plans of paying off some debt this year. And my husband has been approved to finish his master's degree. He has turned in his prospectus and gotten it approved and his professor told him that he might not have to take the extra course we thought he was going to have to take. He's applied to not have to take that course and if he gets approved by one more person, that will save us time, effort and money. Pray hard. I'm so excited for him to be this close to finally getting some things done that he's been working on for so long. I'm so proud of him. I don't say that often enough, but now you know.
As the year draws to a close, I'm planning to do a post on here that sort of wraps up the highs and lows of our year. Then, we get to forget about 2011 and move on to 2012. May the last week of your year bring much happiness and family time. Here's to finishing out 2011 with a bang and making it one to remember.

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