Monday, March 28, 2011

Deep Thoughts

I've been meaning to post for over a week now, but am not actually posting what I was thinking of posting.  Instead, I'm going even deeper than I had planned.

I know that we don't know the hour or the second that Jesus is coming back, but isn't it hard to not think about it more and more as we see earthquakes and wars and tsunamis and volcanoes and and and . . .  And it sort of hits me that I might not have a baby before Jesus comes back.  Isn't it easy to get wrapped up in our plans for the future, thinking about everything from having kids to raising them, what they'll be like, who they might marry or where they might go to school, grandkids, retirement, and then something happens like an earthquake in Japan and a war in Egypt, and all of a sudden, you're remembering that while it is good to make some plans, it's better to remember that we are not promised tomorrow?

And on that note, we've had a sort of sad and amazing week this last week.  A family had been visiting the congregation we attend the last couple of weeks, having just moved to the area from California.  It's a young couple with five children from age 8 to 11 weeks.  Last Monday, she had a brain hemmorage.  They went in and did surgery and said it went well, but it was still touch and go.  All through the week, the church prayed for this family, visited the hospital, took food, called, sent cards, etc.  She was doing well.  They unwrapped her head, she was conversing with sign language, she even started swallowing again.  Saturday, though, she had a low-grade fever all day and then it spiked that night.  They think she had a heart attack and by 2 on Sunday morning they pronounced her brain dead.  She passed away Sunday afternoon.
I still can't wrap my mind around it.  The Bible tells us life is short, but sometimes we forget that.  We get so wrapped up in living life on this world that we forget how fragile it is.  So, please, pray for the Gosch family because they have a hard road to travel still.
And please, remember how short life is.  And go love your family while you can.  Because we don't know the hour . . .

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