Sunday, April 3, 2011


Sometimes I go see how many times people have looked at my blog in the last week.  I'm not really sure who all reads it, although I know a few of you.  Whoever you are, thank you for stopping by to read my random thoughts.  I know this is mostly just an outlet for me, but I also hope that it can help someone else, too.
Sometimes, you need a cry.  We are getting a free preview weekend of Starz so I'm DVR-ing a lot of movies I haven't seen yet -- or have seen and enjoyed but don't own -- and catching up some.  Today, I watched "The Last Song."  Usually, I try to avoid Nicholas Sparks.  He's just too sad for me.  But this one was a good kind of sad.  And sometimes you need a cry and you have to find something to trigger it before it builds and builds and builds and you just explode.
Of course, sometimes a movie cry isn't good enough.  So, later when I was on facebook (I really need to give that up probably), I noticed that my cousin (Dad's side of the family) had posted pics of her new baby boy.  He's beautiful, of course.  And I saw the picture of her and her husband each holding him and looking adoringly into his face.  And I thought, I want a picture of Jeremy like that.  And I closed the computer and went back to the bedroom and laid across the bed like I used to in high school and had a deeper cry.  And I told God I was hurting again and asked him for strength and peace to get through this once more.
And sometimes, you just need a hug and laugh.  Which I got from a dear friend tonight after church.  Because that's what church family is for.

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