Friday, October 14, 2011


So, I was getting a few things together this morning as I get ready to go see my Mom this weekend.  See, when we moved from our house to this small apartment, all of the things we've collected over the years don't really fit.  Especially since I have a LOT of kitchen stuff and a TINY kitchen right now (see, no storage).
Some of the things, however, are things my Mom has been passing to me over the years we've been married as I got more and more room to store stuff that had been living at her house.  I have two huge Rubbermaid tubs of my high school memories (and elementary, for that matter).  I was going through them a bit this morning to see if I still wanted to even keep all of it still or could stand to part with some of the memories.  There are scrapbooks from high school, including all the newspapers from all four years, plus junior high.  There were letters from pen pals, a scrapbook my mom put together of the first six or seven years of my life, my baby book, and all my journals from high school.  That's right.  From September of 1997 on, I kept a journal.  Every day.
I read through a few pages of several of them, reliving the memories, reliving the angst and stress and . . . DRAMA!  Please tell me I'm not still that much of a drama queen!
And then I put them back in the tubs, wiping away a tear, and stacked them up to store at my Mom's house a bit longer.  I just can't get rid of them yet.  I don't want to relive those years by any means, but I don't want to give them up, either.  They made me who I am today.

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