Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fighting with Myself

So, I know a lot of women want to work outside the home and be "equals" with their husbands and all that stuff.  I am not one of them.  I love the thought of being a homemaker and eventually being there for every minute of our children's lives and making our house into a home so my husband can get off work and relax.  I'm not very good at that, but I love the idea of it.
However, we've accrued quite a bit of debt over the last couple of years of my husband not working his dream job and working retail instead.  So, not only to help pay the bills, but also to help pay off some of this load, I need a job.
This is the first time I've really had to look for one.  All the others have sort of just plopped in my lap.  Needless to say, it's making me feel sort of younger than I am and out-of-my-element as I go around looking for an office job.  I have an interview this afternoon for an office assistant position at a pediatric clinic.  I really don't know all the details, but a friend from church called to make sure I got the interview, so in I'll go.
Part of me is sad that I might not be staying home as much anymore, crafting and doing the dishes everyday and having time to go hang out at the yarn shop.  The other part of me is so glad to know that maybe, just maybe, I won't have to worry quite so much how to get everything paid this next month.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still doing my direct-sales job.  And I am going to be teaching a couple of crochet classes at the yarn shop if I can figure out the times.  But to have an income that is steady and I can rely on . . . that will be something that hasn't really happened in over five years.
So, if you want to pray for something today, please pray for me as I fight this inner-war and as I face this job interview.

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