Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Upon the Occasion of Our Move

I think from the title of this blog, I might have read too many Emily Dickinson poems in college.

We finally moved all our things to the new town, into a tiny apartment, two weeks ago.  The house has not sold yet.  I still haven't found a job.  But I just couldn't handle living with someone else any longer.  It's not that they weren't absolutely amazing and loving in their care for us.  I was just ready to get on with our lives a bit.

So, we found an 809 square foot apartment and moved the stuff from our almost 1300 square foot house into it.  Needless to say, I'm still sorting through piles of boxes.  It's frustrating that I'm not completely unpacked yet.  That bothers me.  But at least we're together in our own place again.

Unfortunately, we're also living off money borrowed from my parents as we struggle to make ends meet as I continue my job search.  I've contacted one employment agency and will contact a few more today.  This is really my first time to have to seriously look for a job.  All my other ones have just fallen in my lap.  It's a whole new experience for me and I am not really enjoying it.  It makes me nervous.  The thought of going back to work full-time makes me nervous to tell the truth.  It's just not the kind of person I am to want to go work a full-time job.  I want to be a homemaker, even if I'm not very good at that, either.  I do plan to be better.  It's not like we have room for us to not pick up after ourselves here.

We're still trying to find a church home.  We've "tried out" about five different congregations up here.  I think we've narrowed it down to two.  I'm comfortable with either one.  Jeremy just can't find that comfort, though.  I don't know how to help him.  I'm trying not to step on his toes as the leader of our family, but I also want us to go ahead and place membership and get settled so we can start working with the church again and not just be visitors each week.

I've had my first party up here for my direct sales job.  It was nice, but I'm trying to get some more on my calendar.  Otherwise, I'm never going to get that built up enough to be my full-time job in the future.

That's our life right now.  There's probably a few more things I'm leaving out -- like the fact that our cats are still living with my mom until we can afford to have them again (and we're missing their loud mouths and purrs).  It's just getting settled, making friends, meeting new people, and trying new things.  Not easy things really, but not terribly hard.  I'm just ready to not be in transition anymore.

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