Sunday, March 25, 2012

Work Ethics

I was always brought up to know that when I had a job I should do it to the best of my ability, be on time, etc. So, as I have been sitting at this job for the last month and a half, I'm appreciating the fact that I have good work ethic. I'm the last temp there, and we started with four. But I'm the one who hasn't been talking on my cell phone, checking my email/facebook, talking to the girl next to me constantly, getting up to get a snack or walk around, etc., constantly. I'm always on time and always make sure they know when I leave. And I'm assuming that those are the reasons I'm still earning a paycheck right now and the other girls are not.
Of course, helping with payroll has shown me more about others' work ethic, too. The company I'm working for is a home health agency with providers who go out to help people the government has declared to need help due to mental/physical/age disabilities. They help clean, shop, bathe, dress, etc. for these clients. They're supposed to call in their time to the number which logs them in and out when they call. I am the on ewho cleans up the database as they consistently do it wrong. And I see them working the wrong hours, less hours, more hours, basically whenever they want. I hear about them calling to say they can't work because they don't have money for gas. Any other job, if they tried to pull something like that, they wouldn't last long. I just don't understand why they think it's okay.
I guess I never really knew people before that didn't hae a good work ethic. See how much I'm learning through all these experiences?

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