Friday, July 6, 2012

Unexpected Mentoring

Remember several Christmases ago when I decided to write a book to help other people who were going through the same thing I'm going through? Well, just in case you were wondering, no, I've never gotten it written. Anyway, when I decided to do that, I really wanted God to use me and this bad situation for good. Instead, I've gotten caught up in my life and not gone in that direction I really wanted to go in.
Anyway, I had a friend call the other day who I haven't gotten to talk to in a while. I was in her wedding and have counseled her through various relationships and other things over the years since college. When she called to talk and started out by telling me that she and her husband have started trying to have kids, I wasn't sure where the conversation would go. I thought maybe she was going to tell me they had succeeded since she said she wanted to tell me instead of posting it on facebook.
Instead, she said she was dealing with disappointment because it had been three months and she had just started a new cycle. I completely understood since I had just started, too. And while I know three months isn't long, it can feel really long when each week brings more and more worries and wondering. For me, it's been almost five years. And while I talked her through some things rather calmly, inside I was struggling. For some reason, even though I want to be a mentor and help others through this struggle, I guess I'm not really ready inside yet. I'm still needing mentors myself.
It was just unexpected.

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