Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good:

We like to participate in a program called Angel Food Ministries every month or so.  It's a great way to supplement our grocery bills and it keeps us with a better variety of meat than we would get if I just bought it from the store.  The basic box is just over $30 and says it contains enough for meals for a family of 4 for a week.  This time we bought the "bit of blessing" box, too.  My freezer is stuffed with food right now.  So exciting to open the door and find it full instead of just semi-sort-of-full.  And I love that I have more options for dinner.  This is the good of the weekend.

The Bad:

I looked at Jeremy on Friday night and said, "It's the 24th!"  We were supposed to have turned in our Time Warner Cable cable box and modem and cords and remote by that day.  We just switched to AT&T Uverse because I decided we could save just a bit of money that way and we got a gift card and it looked like it had a better channel line-up despite their lack of MLB network (Jeremy is bummed about that).  And then I forgot to turn in the TWC stuff.  I'm running it tomorrow and hoping they knock off most of the $500-something bill they sent the other day for not having returned their stuff.  Grr.

The Ugly:

I am borrowing the quilt frame I bought my mom off craigslist a couple of years ago.  I knew she was finishing up a quilt she had been working on as long as I could remember and I thought it would help if she could put it in a frame to quilt it.  She's used it several times since.  Well, I am blessed and cursed with creativity and decided to make a quilt for my siblings when they got married.  My sister got married a year and a half-ish ago and I am finally finishing her quilt (I've had it mostly pieced forever), so I asked Mom if I could borrow the quilt frame to quilt it.  Jeremy and I struggled and finally got it up over a week ago, with the quilt in it fairly well.  Unfortunately, my two cats decided it would make a perfect cat hammock.  Needless to say, it's not made to hold a quilt and a cat.  One of the pieces of the frame has cracked and doesn't hold the bar with the quilt on it up anymore.  Not sure what I'm going to do.  I had only gotten two halves of two squares quilted and have a lot more to go . . . plus, it was my mom's frame and not mine!  Grr to my cats.

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