Wednesday, September 15, 2010


It's been forever since I've seen the movie Labyrinth, but this week has me thinking about the scene where she's walking through it and decides to mark the way she went by using lipstick and drawing arrows on the tiles.  However, little does she know that little goblins (or whatever they are) are coming behind her and turning her tiles around so that the arrows are no longer showing or pointed a different direction.  So, she ends up getting more and more lost with no way of finding her way back.  That's what my life feels like right now.
Every time it feels like we're heading in the right direction, we turn a corner and there is a tile we've marked but pointing back the way we came or straight up a mountain or down a cliff or into a volcano or I'm being overly dramatic now but you get the idea.
It's not even that anything much has changed really, but it just feels crazier this week.  Maybe it's the hormones (it IS nice to have something else to blame things on) or just life in general.  I don't know.  I just feel like crying.
I know I said I was going to try and make my blog more cheerful instead of so down and dreary all the time, but I also want it to be honest.  And my life and my faith are not perfect, much as I would like them to be.  After all, if they were perfect, I wouldn't need anything bad in my life to help me grow.  So, here is the honest real way I'm feeling.  And if you want a good happy thing to end it on, I do have one.
I was standing in after-school care this afternoon listening to some of the girls play-acting in the home center (play cash register, play food, dress-up clothes).  One said to the other, "I'm divorced and you're . . ."  I didn't really hear the rest.  It was that one line that caught me off-guard, though.  When I was a second grader, I would never have play-acted that.  Know why?  My parents were happily married (and still are) to each other.  And my kids, whenever we have them, will never have to look at someone and say, "my parents are divorced."  Because it's not an option in my life.  And even though it's really sad that it was something in this child's life this afternoon, I'm glad it's not going to be an issue in my kids' life someday.  That's something I can count on.

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