Friday, June 8, 2012

Final Decisions

With the end of school every year comes decisions. Or at least, that's the way it feels it happens in our family. I thought we had decided already to just stay on here another year at least. Evidently, Jeremy was holding out hope to hear back from one more school before reaching a final decision. Can you tell we've been too busy to really sit down and talk lately?
It basically came down to the wire on this one, because we also received the notice that our lease was soon to be up and a decision about that must be made as well. We looked over the list for prices if we renewed at various length leases and discovered that a year lease would actually lessen our rent instead of a raising it. Then, the headmaster of the school here told Jeremy that he had talked with the school board and they had agreed to get him a raise.
Jeremy called the other school just to see if he could get a few more details to make sure it wouldn't be better for us. Sure enough, what they would be paying would be less than what he made this year. So, here we stay. And when he had made this decision, the headmaster actually told him his raise was going to be more than what we had originally thought it would be.
Seems like maybe God's blessing this decision, huh?

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