Monday, February 23, 2009


This has been coming for a long time. I just can't hold it in anymore. I won't use any names, but some of you will probably know who I'm talking about anyway.
I am 26 1/2 years old. I have quite a few married friends. Unfortunately, I also have some divorced friends. I seriously feel like I'm way too young to have divorced friends. I am also upset because they were Christians and got divorced anyway. I know there were extrenuating circumstances. I even have an idea what some of them were. But you just don't get a divorce!
The thing that is bringing up all this strife inside of me is that she is getting married again. He is already remarried. And everyone is acting so happy for them. And I can't stop thinking about the Spring Break trip several years ago to see them get married to each other and how happy we all were then. It's breaking my heart and I just can't seem to be happy for her. I asked Jeremy if I were a bad person because I didn't want her to remarry. He told me no, but I still feel bad.
I guess the only marriage I can really worry about is my own, but I'm one of these people who worries about her friends (and their actions) even when she can't do anything about it. I'm not going to say anything to her, but I had to let out the frustration I'm feeling over the whole situation. Because I believe marriage should last forever -- and you should only have it once if your spouse isn't dead. Isn't that what the Bible says?

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