Thursday, October 11, 2012


My bloodwork came back normal. It's not my thyroid causing the problems. We'll proceed with the plan we laid out last Monday by going back this Monday for an ultrasound to make sure the ovaries and uterus look fine. Then, on to a new round of Clomid. I re-read my journal entries last night from the last time I was on it. Not fun. Not looking forward to it, but hoping to be pregnant in the next year.
My Grandpa's tumors have been shrinking. Unfortunately, they found a new tumor and it is NOT shrinking with the chemo. So, on to a new drug that costs a LOT of money per pill. Actually thankful for Medicaid right now.
My parents are going to have to move at the end of this month. They stayed at this place for four years. Compared to some of the places my dad preached when I was really little, that's a little better, but still . . . he was hoping to stay here until he retired. Sometimes, I hate how society has affected the church and now a lot of congregations decide that one thing going wrong means they need a new preacher instead of just dealing with what went wrong and supporting the man who is preaching truth to people who don't want to hear it. I'm off my rant now. I know the church is made up of people and no one is perfect, but it seems like shouldn't we be MORE perfect than the rest of the world?

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