Sunday, December 19, 2010

Late Night Meanderings

I have either caught the cold my husband had last week or am suffering from Cedar Fever -- thank you central Texas allergy season!  Either way, I can't breathe well enough to sleep so I'm up again, sipping hot herbal tea and letting my meandering mind escape a little in this blog post.  I don't have anything in particular to write about, but just felt like writing anyway.
My husband and I are super blessed even though we don't always acknowledge it -- I'm sure a lot of people, if not all, have the same problem.  We live six hours from my parents, ten and a half from his, about fifteen from my sister and brother.  But we don't really feel alone.  You see, our church family is amazing.  I don't know how we would have made it through the last couple of years -- or even the last four and a half -- without them.  They've helped us find jobs, they've helped us pay for car repairs, fed us, prayed for and with us, listened to and advised us, cheered us, and become family.  I honestly don't know how people live without a church family.  To me, that seems lonelier than anything on earth.  Now, we're spending our second Christmas just the two of us and unable to travel.  I was feeling rather down about it.  I have to admit that when his mom said they just couldn't make it, I was really jealous that they're going to see his grandparents instead.  It's not that we had a bad time last year when we did our first Christmas just us.  We had a great time and have even started some traditions like seeing a movie on Christmas Eve.  But I also really wanted to see his family again, to have them come down to see us and join in our new traditions.  God is watching out for us, though, as always.  We've been invited to eat Christmas dinner with some dear friends from church here.  I'm going to be brave and make a pie.  And even though it's church family instead of physical family, it's still family.
I got to go "shopping" the other day in another girl from church's closet.  I love hand-me-downs.  These are super nice and I'm almost afraid to wear some of them.  We're talking Ann Taylor and Talbots.  But they're so pretty and I'm super excited to have the stack at the end of my bed to keep trying on and eventually wearing -- a lot of them are spring and summer clothes.  And I think I may have found a dress to wear to my brother's wedding!
I don't know about you, but my family's pretty tight.  Even extended family.  My dad's baby sister (no, she's not literally a baby -- her baby is seven) came down to our area for her job and took us to dinner the other night.  It was lovely to see her.  I do wish sometimes that we lived closer to family again, but at the same time I also realize my family is spread out all over the country.
I'm still dealing with different people being pregnant/having babies, but I'm dealing.  And even though I have Christmas taken care of now except for mailing the packages to family, I'm still staying busy.  And I'm enjoying having time to read or watch movies again.  Yay for a DVR and the channels that play the old Chrismtas movies like "Christmas in Connecticut," "Miracle on 34th Street," "White Christmas," "Holiday Inn," and "It's a Wonderful Life."  Love it!
I'm guessing I should wrap up these thoughts since they aren't really going anywhere in particular and you, dear readers, whoever you are, are probably wondering why I even bothered to write them down in the first place.  This is just the way my mind works at eleven at night.  Thanks for listening to it.

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