Saturday, January 15, 2011

But I LOVE Bread . . .

We had dinner with our friends last night, one of which is a chiropractor.  He had agreed to talk to us about some options he might be able to help us with in the future.  I loved how he talked about treating not only the symptoms but the whole body.  He wants to run a lot of tests on basically anything and everything to try and figure out what is causing my PCOS.  And I love the thought of working on not only the symptoms but the cause.
Here's the struggles I see about going through this:
  • We can't afford the tests right now, and definitely can't afford them all at once.
  • He wants me to give up gluten.
I have said several times to Jeremy that I hoped our kids would not have a gluten allergy because I wasn't sure how I'd deal with having to do all the gluten-free stuff.  According to our chiropractor-friend, about 80 percent of people in the world are allergic to gluten.  Jeremy says that it's because there aren't as many varities of wheat and rye and barley anymore.  But it's still weird to me to think about it.  I know that you can make bread with other things . . . and brownies and cakes and cookies.  But I'm still not sure about it.  It's a lot to think about.  As much as I want to be pregnant, why am I even hesitating at this suggestion?

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