Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This has been a sort of rough week for me.  I'm tired.  Not just physically because of working extra hours and trying to keep up with everything I'm supposed to keep up with, but spiritually, emotionally tired.
I was talking to one of my friends and telling her about what the chiropractor said about giving up gluten.  She's been down a lot of the road we're travelling right now (and has two beautiful children, by the way), and she asked me if we'd ever been tested.  And it was like a light bulb went on in my head.  We haven't had any tests really except some bloodwork and a simple look at Jeremy's swimmers.  Really not even scratched the surface.  I have no idea what's causing my infertility even though I have a name for it -- PCOS.  But that tells me the symptoms and not the cause.  She pointed out that a lot of the tests are fairly inexpensive and if they test for something like tube blockage or endometriosis, my insurance should cover part of it as it is a health concern outside of just infertility.  It was like a cloud had lifted off of me when she said that.  Of course, right now we still can't afford even a "cheap" test, but maybe sometime in the nearer than later future we can.  And then  maybe we can get some answers besides just PCOS.
I'm just tired of thinking about it all, though.  I'm tired of it taking up so much of my life, inserting itself into so many of my thoughts and worries and prayers.  I'm tired of feeling like I'm in a holding pattern and unable to do anything about it.  I'm tired of the emotional ups and downs.  I'm tired of overanalyzing everything my body does, every pimple, every twinge, every secretion.  Every munchy attack.
And to make matters worse, I'm making myself paranoid now.  After having two ruptured cysts two cycles in a row . . . and knowing that they ruptured while having sex (sorry if I offended you, but you know this is a blog about infertility and that you can't get pregnant without having sex), I'm afraid to have sex during the last week or so (give or take a week, considering that I never really know when the last week of my cycle is) of my cycle for fear that it will happen again.  Sigh.  Can you see how tired I am?  I'm exhausted.

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