Sunday, January 2, 2011

Calling it What it Is

I have to admit, I'm having a selfish day.  A what, you ask.  Don't you mean a bad day or a grumpy day or a sad day?  Nope.  Selfish.  As in, wallowing a bit in self-pity.
Okay, so maybe it's not as selfish as some I've had in the past.  I really only wallowed for about half an hour.  Partly, because I didn't let myself call it a bad day.  I called it a selfish day.  Yes.  Sometimes you have to feel sad.  And sometimes you have to let yourself cry and work it out of your system.  But I also realize that I need to follow the advice I wanted to give quite a few of my facebook friends the other day.  As I was skimming through their statuses on New Year's Day, I of course saw all the normal well-wishes for a happy new year.  But quite a few of them said something along the lines of "I hope this year is better than last year."  And all I wanted to post on their page was, "Then, make it better."  Seriously, I know you can't control what happens in your life -- trust me.  I, of all people, know that.  But you can control your attitude about it.  Just because bad stuff happens to you doesn't mean it's a bad year.  Think about everything good that happened that wasn't bad.  Seriously, not everything in your life can be bad, even if it feels like it.
So, basically, I'm preaching to myself and my husband, too.  But, if we all start thinking about that, I think it would help all of us have a better year.  Because you're probably tired of hearing me complain about the bad stuff that happens, and I'm tired of hearing so much complaining from other people.  Let's all try to focus more on the good stuff that is happening, and the good stuff that can come from the bad.  And let's MAKE 2011 a great year, no matter what happens.

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