Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why Not?

I know I've heard this in the past few years, but for some reason it hit a note or something with me today.
Our ladies' Bible class on Wednesday mornings is studying the book "Respectable Sins."  Today, we talked about the chapter on not being thankful for everything in our lives.  Our teacher is the mother of the friend I talked about in my previous post, the ones who found out their baby has all sorts of abnormalities and might not live long enough to be born.  We were talking about how we should not only be thankful for everything, but also be thankful in all circumstances.  She shared a bit about her son and daugther-in-law and what they were going through.  And she said something along the lines of "I didn't say 'why them?'  Why not them?"
And I thought, why not me?  I've asked many times over the last few years, "Why, God?  Why us?"  Why not us?  What makes us better than everyone else on the planet that I think I shouldn't be allowed to suffer things that life throws at us?  I know it's not God causing our pain.  Nothing bad comes from God -- it's against His very nature.  God is love.  When someone told me that a year or so ago, I didn't want to accept it and believe it.  Now, though, I understand it more.  It's not God causing my problems.  They're just problems that happen because I live in this sinful world.  Yes.  He allowed me to go through it.  But He's also been with me to help along the whole time.  I'm so grateful to Him that He has allowed me to live long enough to get through my waivering faith stage and back into the state of mind where I can trust Him again.  So, why not me?  Isn't it better that something like this fall on my shoulders because I have God to help me through it?  Wouldn't that make it easier for me than for someone who doesn't have that hope?  Isn't that a scary thought, deep as it is?  But why not?

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