Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hard Decision

Do you have that one friend from high school who isn't really anyone you would ever want to associate with now but is on your facebook list anyway?

You don't?

Well, I do.  But not for long.

I'm making a hard decision.

He was fun and sweet when I met him in the sixth grade, funny, smart, full of all sorts of good intentions and goals and dreams.

Through high school he changed a little from that sixth grade boy, but not that much, I thought.  Sure, the other high schoolers sometimes made fun of him and told him he acted "gay" (I SERIOUSLY HATE THAT WORD!), but I knew better.

After all, I was there when he was baptized, the same day as I was.  October 15, 1995.  I went forward to hand my life to Christ that Sunday morning.  He went forward with several of our other friends that evening.  He sat by me as we both took the Lord's Supper for the first time that night and laughed when I broke the cracker extra loudly.

So, why, ten years after high school, is he "gay"?  Obviously, October 15, 1995 didn't mean the same thing to him that it did to me.

And obviously, he is not someone I want to be friends with any longer.

I keep thinking that maybe if I remain in contact with certain people, if I live my life as I should, that I can be a good enough influence to change their lives.

But some people don't want to change their lives.

And while I hate the thought of losing a friend, I also feel like he's already lost to me.

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