Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cracked Eggs . . . and Bones

So, we made a mistake.  It's one we've made in the past, but it's so easy to do.  Jeremy had been talking to a Christian school in Tennessee, one he's wanted to work at since we took this job five years ago.  And they had said that they might actually have a position and that his file was at the top of their stack of people to call if it opened up.  He called them again on Friday to just check in.  What we had been calling a "definite possible maybe" no longer had the "definite" or "maybe".  It is now more of a "possible probably not."
We had put our eggs in that basket, had started saying things like, "when we move . . . we can get together with my siblings one weekend a month. . . we can go hiking at Fall Creek Falls State Park (one of my favorite places on earth) . . . we can go see a Braves game . . . we can . . .
I knew it was a mistake when I was doing it, but it still felt so good to have hope.  After two years of him looking for a job, this felt like it might actually pan out.
I was at work when he called.  Right before I was going to go get my kids for that day, he walked into the classroom and showed me his hand.  It looked a bit swollen around three knuckles and a lot swollen above his pinkie knuckle.  Yep.  He hit the bookcase out of frustration.  The school nurse put ice on it and told him to go see a doctor so he headed to the clinic close to our house and had it x-rayed.  He has a "boxer's fracture."  They splinted it and he has an appointment to see the orthopedist tomorrow.
To make matters more fun, he also figured out that the file he had saved his prospectus to (the thing he has to turn in before he can register to write his guided research paper to finish his masters degree) was corrupted and he broke his right hand so now he gets to piece it all back together and try to get it finished by the end of this week with a broken hand.
Isn't that just what we needed?
Lessons learned:  Don't put all your eggs in one basket or count your chickens before they hatch.  And, don't hit bookshelves.

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