Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Don't Worry; Be Happy

So, I was (lovingly) confronted by a friend tonight who was worried about me (and she said some of you anonymous mutual friends who secretly read my blog were worried about me, too).  I am so sorry I left my blog on such a down note.  When I restarted my blog . . . . has it been a year ago now? . . . I meant to not let it get so down-in-the-dumps as it had been for a while.  Seriously, who would want to read that?  Not me.
In all seriousness, though, I am doing better.  I had a rough spurt, obviously, if you read my last post.  And let me fill you in on some of the things that were helping keep me down.  I'm very stressed out right now (so much so that my clenching teeth during my sleep has actually chipped a tooth in the last week) due to work and trying to get way too many things done personally and job-related.  Also, it had taken me two months before this last period started but once it did, it didn't want to stop and has gone for over a month.  It's finally acting like it WILL end, but it definitely wasn't fun.  Sorry for anyone that offended, but it's just the way my body works -- or doesn't as the case may be.  This is the joy that comes with not ovulating.  And finally, my husband hasn't exactly had an easy two years due to all the job stuff.  He lost the job he loved and has been working a job he doesn't love while trying everything he can to get another teaching job.  This does not lead him to being happy very often.  Most of the time, one of us is down and the other one is "up" enough to be able to balance us out so that we can keep each other from getting so depressed.  However, with it being the end of the school year and Jeremy trying harder than ever to not have to work returns in an electronics store another year, he's downer in the dumps than sometimes so when I took my turn in being blue, he didn't exactly have it in him to help me back out.
Needless to say, that's what prompted that last post, with probably several other things.  I'm a major worryer, in case you haven't figured that out, and it's VERY hard for me to let go and let God.  Maybe that's one of the things God wants me to learn through ALL of this.  Who knows?  What I do know is I am doing better than I was.  Thanks for being worried for me.  I was having a bad day/week at the time I posted my last post, but I'm doing better.  I'm not perfect, but I'm better.  Keep praying for me.  I will hopefully have more time to post soon, but my life is CRAZY BUSY right now so I can't promise when.

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