Monday, May 23, 2011

Good News

So, a friend reminded me the other day that there is a lot of sad stuff going on right now, not only in my life but in a lot of my friends' lives, too.  She said she was just so sad because of everyone else's problems.  So, I am dedicating this post to only good news.
My brother, who has been looking for a better job for several years now, got hired as a teller at a bank he interviewed with the other day.  He gets a $1.50 pay raise, better hours, and they'll help him get his MBA.  Yay!
My grandfather who is in the hospital with pneumonia is getting better.  He has been having some issues with his heart -- the heartrate has been rising when he goes to sleep.  The heart doctor came today and said that it's some sort of flutter, but it can be treated with a outpatient procedure which they're planning to do once he's all the way better.  This is good news because it means they can fix it.
Jeremy went to the orthopedic doctor for the second time today and he said that while he still needs to wear his splint, he can now take it off every now and then to flex his hand and work it out.  He's a little worried about the bump that is still there but the doctor says that will go away with time.  His hand is getting better.  This is good.
And yesterday, one of the elders at church gave us some interesting news.  The schools around here were having major budget cut issues and were having to lay off teachers.  BUT, now they are getting some of the money back which means they can hire teachers back.  Yay for more chances for my husband to maybe get a teaching job this fall.
AND, I got gas for $3.65 today!  That's almost ten cents a gallon cheaper than the last time I got gas.  :-)

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