Monday, March 23, 2009

To the Point

I'm to the point of not believing anything will ever get better money-wise. It's not that we're suffering. We totally splurged on fast food on the way home last night. But it's frustrating. We're paying off the car next month -- and it's over a hundred dollars less than I thought it was going to be. We got paid well for Jeremy's gospel meeting so that helped pay of a chunk of our huge credit card bill. I was thinking we'd actually have extra money to go ahead and buy plane tickets for Phillip's graduation next month, but today when I started my laundry, something happened. My washer quit rinsing, spinning and draining. Instead, it just sits there, full of icky water and soaked clothes. Sigh. I was going to traipse the clothes to the shower or sink and rinse them out before drying them, but I gave up when I couldn't even lift the basket. Sigh. Wet clothes are heavy. Jeremy tells me we're going to be okay. And I know that. But it's still frustrating to start thinking everything is going to work out like I wanted it to, only to find out that something else jumps in the way. Grr. Stupid mud washing machines. No. I don't want to go back to the way it was before washing machines. I just want mine to work.

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